Ternyata Begini Cara Memasak Hot and sour seafood soup Yang Enak

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Hot and sour seafood soup. Today chef Luo is going to teach me on how to make seafood hot and sour soup 海鮮酸辣湯. For the full recipe please visit http Chef Luo's key notes: The key to this soup is the sourness from the white vinegar and the spiciness from the white pepper. The traditional way of making the soup doesn't add.

Hot and sour seafood soup Hot and sour soup can be found on any takeout menu or Chinese buffet line in the US. It ranges in quality and flavor from awesomely delicious to lukewarm, tasteless, and And I'm not just saying that! A big part of it is…when you make it at home, you can control heat and sourness levels yourself.

Kamu bisa menyiapkan Hot and sour seafood soup menggunakan 24 bumbu dalam 2 langkah. Begini cara memasak nya.

Bumbu Hot and sour seafood soup

  1. Kamu perlu 2-3 ekor cumi.
  2. Siapkan 100 gram udang kupas.
  3. Kamu perlu 100 garam fillet ikan dori.
  4. Kamu perlu 10-15 bh baso ikan.
  5. Kamu perlu 50 gram kapri.
  6. Kamu perlu 50 gram putren (jagung muda).
  7. Diperlukan 1 bh tomat merah.
  8. Kamu perlu 2 bh tomat hijau.
  9. Diperlukan 1 bh cabe merah iris panjang.
  10. Kamu perlu 3-4 bh cabe rawit.
  11. Diperlukan 1 btg sere geprek.
  12. Siapkan 4 lmbr daun jeruk.
  13. Diperlukan secukupnya Garam.
  14. Kamu perlu secukupnya Kaldu bubuk.
  15. Diperlukan 3-4 irisan Jahe.
  16. Kamu perlu 500-750 ml air.
  17. Siapkan Bumbu halus :.
  18. Diperlukan 3-4 bh cabe keriting.
  19. Diperlukan 4 siung bawang merah.
  20. Diperlukan 2 siung bawang putih.
  21. Diperlukan Taburan :.
  22. Diperlukan 2 bh Jeruk limau.
  23. Kamu perlu 1 btg daun bawang.
  24. Kamu perlu 1 btg seledri.

This restaurant-style Hot and Sour Soup recipe is the best!! It's quick and simple to make, easy to adapt to your personal taste preferences, and so delicious! Hot and sour soup (Suan La Tang) is a common dish popular in China especially in cold winter. You can use pork shreds, chicken shreds, cooked beef or lamb, seafood as protein.

Instruksi memasak Hot and sour seafood soup

  1. Potong" semua bahan. Masak air bersama bumbu halus sere jahe daun jeruk sampe mendidih.
  2. Masukkan baso, ikan udang, cumi semua bumbu kecuali jeruk Koreksi rasa. Matikan api peraskan jeruk diatasnya beri daun bawang seledri sajikan.

In addition, ham, spam and other already processed protein is also great for hot and sour soup. Delicious recipes of seafood caught in UK waters. Sea for Yourself - Buying Seafood Online. We're working with seafood businesses across the UK to bring you direct access to some of the best fish and shellfish from around our shores. Hot and sour soup is a variety of soups from several Asian culinary traditions.